Do you want your gemstones to pop with vivid color & sparkle like stars in your jewelry display cases? The secret is in the type of jewelry display lighting you are using and in the color spectrum of the bulbs. You need to use a combination of warm & cool spectrum LED. Most lighting for a jewelry display will make your diamonds flash but will mute your color intensity. This is because they don't combine a warm & cool spectrum correctly or they only use a warm or only use a cool spectrum. Show Off Lighting provides solutions to overcome these problems using high quality, sun balanced, LED bulbs to render vibrant colors and give tons of sparkle to your jewelry display cases. Hands down we have the best LED lighting for jewelry on the market today!!

The best lighting conditions for your jewelry display
One of the best lighting conditions for your jewelry display is using a combination of overhead display lighting along with interior showcase display lights. This not only gives your booth the greatest visibility but it also keeps your jewelry display in proper lighting conditions in or out of the showcases. If you are using Arizona case showcases then you will certainly want to consider Show Off Lighting 28" LED in case lights which fit your Arizona case jewelry display showcases.
Show Off Lighting jewelry display lights are easy to setup, transport & store. They are made from durable, lightweight aluminum. Many customers say they have experienced up to a 30% increase in sales with Show Off Lighting. Our LED lighting for jewelry has exploded in sales making it a top seller in the industry!! Show Off Lighting is an American company located in Denver, North Carolina and we know if you don't look good then we don't look good!!

Why LED bulbs produces such HIGH QUALITY lighting for jewelry
Using LED lighting for jewelry is essential if you want the best and highest quality lighting. Metal Halide and Halogen produce a much lower quality of light besides getting extremely hot causing potential fires and power failures. Many jewelry trade shows like the AGTA show, JIS show, Tucson 22nd St show and all Las Vegas trade shows have banned the use of high heat producing trade show lights. So you need to consider the light to heat ratio with lighting for jewelry because it most certainly matters.
With LED lighting 90% of its energy is spent producing light and 10% of it energy is spent producing heat. This is why the best lighting for jewelry display is LED!! With Halogen and Metal Halide lighting 70% of its energy is spent making heat with only 30% left to produce light. This is why Halogen trade show lighting and Metal Halide trade show lighting produce such a poor lighting condition for a jewelry display.